Realizing Ontario’s Energy Advantage


As Ontario’s independent regulator of the electricity and natural gas sectors, we implement government policy imperatives while remaining focused on delivering efficient and effective adjudication, and continually enhancing reliability, resilience, customer choice and consumer protection. In addition, we are supporting a generational energy transition that is reshaping the economic, environmental, and social landscape of our province.

This timeline highlights important milestones and accomplishments that support our mandate and strategic goals, picking up from where our official modernization timeline (October 2020 through September 2022) left off. Working hand-in-hand with our diverse stakeholders toward a net-zero future, the future is now; inaction is not an option.

At the Ontario Energy Board, our energy future is now!

Apr 1 - Apr 30
  • The OEB issues a letter to assist electricity distributors in understanding the type and scope of expected Code changes, namely the Standard Supply Service Code and the Retail Settlement Code, in response and to enable the IESO’s Market Renewal Program (MRP) Market Rule amendments. (Read more)
  • For transparency, our 2024-2027 Business Plan is live on It sets out how the OEB will provide value to the sector and the people of Ontario through consumer protection and customer choice, regulatory policy enablement, innovation, and adjudicative excellence. Readers will learn more about our new strategic goal to Enable Ontario’s Energy Transition, a robust Strategic Performance Measurement (SPM) scorecard to hold ourselves to account, a path to deliver on the Minister’s 2023 Letter of Direction, and a new Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Framework. (Read more)
  • Through a letter to the sector, the OEB communicates changes to 2025 Filing Requirements and signals further action on its Intervenor Action Plan. The communique includes details about a pilot program to set a budget for intervenor participation in cost of service applications for utilities with less than 30,000 customers. (Read more)
  • Demonstrating accountability to the sector, the OEB publishes its 2023-2024 year-end Adjudicative reporting dashboard. The dashboard provides more transparency into our adjudicative process, in particular the metrics and targets we have set to measure the efficiency of our decision-making. (Read more)
Jan 1 - Mar 31
  • To ease regulatory burden and facilitate innovation in the sector, companies that have been granted a temporary licence exemption by the OEB are now also exempt from certain legislative provisions. (Read more)
  • The OEB introduces voluntary reporting by distributors on feeder-level reliability data to promote transparency and build customer awareness and understanding about the reliability of their distributor’s services. (Read more)
  • Continuing to protect energy consumers in Ontario, the OEB issues important reminders, tips and safety precautions to help guard against energy scams. (Read more)
  • The OEB announces important changes to the Low-income Energy Assistance Program Emergency Financial Assistance (LEAP EFA), including increasing one-time electricity and natural gas grant amounts to assist qualified Ontarians who are behind on their energy bills. (Read more)
  • The OEB introduces amendments to the Distribution System Code and a new Electric Vehicle Charging Connection Procedures targeted to commercial charging operations. These steps make it easier to connect new charging stations to distribution systems and supports the integration and adoption of electric vehicles in Ontario. (Read more)
  • To improve efficiency, the OEB launches an update to the online portal for filing cost claims. (Read more)
  • Final Amendments to the OEB’s Distribution System Code now allow electricity distributors to offer flexible hosting capacity arrangements, recognizing the value of Distributed Energy Resources (DERs) to reduce grid constraints and enhance customer options. (Read more)
  • The OEB issues an update on activities arising from its report to the minister, entitled, "Improving Distribution Sector Resilience, Responsiveness and Cost Efficiency." Initiatives outlined within the update will enable significant progress to mature the sector’s capability to anticipate and respond to adverse weather, all while ensuring distributors continue to deliver on service expectations and value for customers. (Read more)
  • To support red tape reduction and in response to the Auditor General’s 2023 report, the OEB issues its response to the Very Small Utilities Working Group’s report. The report describes the challenges utilities with fewer than 5,000 customers face in complying with the OEB’s regulatory framework. The OEB anticipates many of the recommendations will be implemented. (Read more)
  • The OEB develops a Guide to Addressing Electricity Distribution Power Quality Issues. The Guide is intended to enhance transparency and consistency by fostering a uniform approach for addressing power quality issues across Ontario. (Read more)
  • The OEB issues a letter to electricity licensees and licensed natural gas marketers which includes a summary of changes to the Reporting and Record-keeping Requirements (RRR) for the 2024 filing and updates to RRR documentation. (Read more)
  • The OEB issues a Notice of Amendments to the Distribution System Code and Transmission System Code, requiring utilities to comply with a new Ontario Cyber Security Standard document which focuses on privacy, corporate governance, and situational awareness related to cyber security. (Read more)
  • The OEB issues the Non-Wires Solutions Guidelines for Electricity Distributors (NWS Guidelines) replacing the Conservation and Demand Management (CDM) Guidelines and provide OEB guidance on the role of non-wires solutions for rate-regulated electricity distributors. (Read more)
  • The OEB concludes its consultation on Policy for Standby Rates. Based on feedback received, and on the evolving nature of distributed energy resources and other behind-the-meter alternatives, the OEB determined that it is not prepared to impose or recommend a default approach to pricing load displacement generation. (Read more)
Oct 1 - Dec 31
  • Carla Carmichael appointed to the OEB’s Board of Directors in December, further enhancing the Board’s support of the OEB through the energy transition, strengthening public trust, and providing strong leadership and good governance. (Read more)
  • To improve efficiency and effectiveness in the regional planning process, the OEB publishes a resource document providing an overview of outcomes emerging from the Regional Planning Process Review. (Read more)
  • The OEB expands data available to consumers and sector stakeholders through its Open Data Initiative. Natural Gas Distributor Yearbooks and Major Event Response Reporting data for electricity distributors are now available. (Read more)
  • The OEB takes first-place in the 2023 Granicus Digital Government Awards for our Digital First Strategy, including use of our stakeholder engagement platform Engage with Us. (Read more)
  • The OEB launches new Records Request Form for Public Records, improving access to public records filed in past adjudicative proceedings and consultations that are not available on the OEB’s website. (Read more)
  • Six projects are selected by the OEB to receive one-time total funding of $1.5 million as part of the Innovation Sandbox Challenge. (Read more)
  • The OEB publishes its report to the Minister of Energy entitled, "Improving Distribution Sector Resilience, Responsiveness and Cost Efficiency”, outlining advice and proposals that reflect on extreme weather impacts, best practices in climate change resilience, and options to enhance organizational capacity. (Read more)
  • The OEB issues updated performance standards for processing natural gas facilities applications (Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity, Municipal Franchise Agreements, Storage and Well Drilling). (Read more)
  • For the second year in a row, the OEB is recognized as one of Greater Toronto’s Top Employers, the benchmark for workplace best practices. (Read more)
  • Demonstrating how it fulfills its mandate to protect the interests of consumers and delivers public value, the OEB publishes its mid-year Compliance Report (April - September 2023), in a new, easier to read visual format. (Read more)
  • The OEB and IESO release their Joint Targeted Call Interim Report on distributed energy resource integration, providing an update on pilot projects supported by the OEB Innovation Sandbox and IESO Grid Innovation Fund. (Read more)
  • The OEB publishes What We Heard: A Report Back on Stakeholder Input reflecting the feedback of over 150 sector representatives in attendance at Policy Day 2023. This input will play a critical role in helping the OEB stay focused on the right priorities as the energy sector undergoes unprecedented transformation.(Read more)
  • Supporting an enhanced user experience that improves certainty and transparency, the OEB updates its Accounting Procedures for Electricity webpage, providing guidance to electricity distribution utilities on accounting procedures and requirements as well as setting out a uniform accounting system.
  • The OEB published version 1.1 of the Ontario Cyber Security Framework which addresses supply chain risks, aligns to national standards and enhances evaluation and sustainment of cyber security programs. (Read more).
  • The OEB announces second term membership of its Adjudicative Modernization Committee (AMC), an integral part of the OEB's Stakeholder Engagement Framework. (Read more).
Jul 1 - Sep 30
  • The OEB further reduces regulatory burden by introducing a new streamlined licence renewal application form for all electricity transmitters whose licences will be expiring in 2023 and beyond. The application process and time to approve are now reduced. (Read more)
  • The OEB takes steps to ensure electricity transmitters make the most cost-effective investments to replace major transmission voltage assets when they reach end-of-life and need to be replaced. (Read more)
  • The OEB launches new interactive infographic providing an at-a-glance overview of how regulatory processes leverage parts of Reporting and Record-keeping Requirements data from electricity distributors avoiding duplication in reporting. (Read more)
  • The OEB expands its Distributed Energy Resources Connections Review to examine system readiness for electric vehicle (EV) charger connections, while also summarizing recent guidance and resources to help electricity distributors plan for the efficient integration of EVs. (Read more)
  • To support greater electrification in Ontario, the OEB provides guidance to electricity distributors on providing enough capacity to accommodate the demands of Electric Vehicle charging, heat pumps and other equipment. This is intended to promote efficient infrastructure investment and protect the interests of homeowners seeking to rely more heavily on electricity and in turn, reduce their emissions. (Read more)
  • Driving energy sector performance, the OEB publishes 2022 Scorecards   measuring how well Ontario’s electricity distributors performed  against reliability, cost, service and safety metrics among others. (Read more)
  • Keeping consumer protection front of mind, the OEB issues guidance to electricity and natural gas distributors related to the terms and conditions for Green Button data sharing between distributors and the third parties. (Read more)
  • The OEB enhances its Regulatory Document Search site, a search engine that sources all regulatory public records. The changes improve user experience, help refine search results and allow for a more personalized viewing experience. (Read more)
  • Online Letter of Comment changes allow individuals to provide their views on adjudicative applications before the OEB, without registering as intervenors in the proceeding. The changes help to reduce the risk of releasing personal and private information. As well, the Letter of Comment form makes very clear what information will be posted online and what information will be redacted.
  • The OEB modernizes its Notices of Hearing to help increase awareness among consumers on how they can participate and to more effectively reach consumers in an ever-evolving media and communications marketplace. (Read more)
  • The OEB launches the Energy Transition Hub, a one-stop-shop for programs and policy work that responds to the changing needs of consumers and the energy sector. This hub, located on our dedicated consultation site, is home for all the OEB’s work related to the global shift to a more sustainable, renewable energy future. (Read more)
Apr 1 - Jun 30
  • The OEB launches consumer-facing Green Button Webpage providing data that can help consumers make more informed choices about their energy use, switching electricity price plans or making efficiency investments to their home or business. (Read more)
  • The OEB releases 2022-2023 Adjudicative Dashboard with a letter to stakeholders highlighting our adjudicative accomplishments for the year and inclusion of a new target for fiscal 2023-2024 added in the spirit of continuous improvement. (Read more)
  • The OEB invites submissions to its 2023-2024 Innovation Sandbox Challenge focusing on two themes: 1) How to move pilots to broader implementation; and 2) innovative strategies to enhance consumers’ understanding of their role in the energy transition. (Read more)
  • The OEB’s Open Data Initiative showcased through the Information and Privacy Commissioner (IPC) of Ontario’s Transparency Challenge, a curated virtual exhibit of innovative and impactful transparency projects undertaken by public sector organizations across Ontario, highlighting compelling examples of transparency initiatives. (Read more)
  • Electricity distributors in Ontario begin offering Ultra-Low Overnight (ULO) price plan to residential and small business customers on the Regulated Price Plan. (Read more
  • The OEB issues Innovation Sandbox 2.0 Report for the period July 2020 to December 2022, which includes case studies of Sandbox projects, a discussion on the most common themes and barriers to innovation, and descriptions of the type of support that the Sandbox has provided. (Read more)
  • The OEB hosts 2023 CAMPUT National Regulators Conference bringing together over 400 individuals from across the globe over three days to develop ideas on how to deliver a just energy transition. (Read more)
  • The OEB posts three Natural Gas Integrated Resource Planning Reports all of which promote and encourage the consideration of pipeline alternatives in meeting system, customer and Enbridge's needs. (Read more)
  • The OEB posts advice to the Electrification & Energy Transition Panel, an advisory body established by the Ontario government to help prepare the province’s economy for electrification and the energy transition. (Read more)
Jan 1 - Mar 31
  • The OEB issues 8th edition of its Environmental Guidelines for the Location, Construction and Operation of Hydrocarbon Projects and Facilities in Ontario, providing direction to project proponents on how to prepare the Environmental Report required as part of Hydrocarbon project applications. (Read more)
  • The OEB launches Interactive System Reliability Dashboard, providing consumers and electricity distributors with yearly and monthly industry performance trends, as well as side-by-side performance comparisons for local distributors, all in a detailed and easy-to-use format. (Read more)
  • The OEB publishes Green Button information to help update consumers on distributor implementation in local communities across the province. (Read more)
  • Aligned with its Digital First Strategy, the OEB sets a record pace in digitizing more than 300 boxes of records dating back to 2007, improving accessibility and retrieval time, reducing storage space, enhancing information sharing and improving tracking.
  • The OEB issues the Innovation Handbook, a single, easy-to-access compendium of OEB policies and related materials that support energy sector innovation. (Read more)  
  • As part of its Distributed Energy Resources (DER) Connections Review the OEB issues amendments to the Distribution System Code, streamlining the process to connect distributed energy resources (DERs) to Ontario’s grid and reduce administrative burden for consumers and distributors. (Read more)
  • Framework for Energy Innovation: Charting a course for regulatory clarity and consumer value in Ontario’s energy transition, the OEB releases Framework for Energy Innovation: Setting a Path Forward for DER Integration. (Read more)
  • Following from the Framework for Energy Innovation, the OEB releases Filing Guidelines for Electricity Distributors to Use Third-Party DERs as Non-Wires Alternatives, providing guidance on information a distributor should include in applications for incentive mechanisms set out in the Framework for Energy Innovation report. (Read more)
Oct 1 - Dec 31
  • The OEB’s Reliability and Power Quality Review (RPQR) Working group identifies amendments to reliability reporting as part of the initial phase of the RPQR consultation. Amendments were introduced to existing definitions for loss of supply, major event and interruption cause codes and a new requirement of sub-cause codes for interruption reporting. (Read more)
  • Enbridge Gas’s Three-year Natural Gas Conservation Framework and Plan Approved: Includes new opportunities for Enbridge Gas customers to achieve energy savings and bill reductions, and a new Pay for Performance conservation program for commercial customers. (Read more)  
  • Hydro One’s first Combined Transmission and Distribution Rates Application Approved: One of the largest and most complicated rate case to ever come before the OEB with a combined proposed revenue requirement of approximately $20 billion and a proposed investment plan of about $13 billion over the 2023-2027 rate period. (Read more)
  • The OEB implements first protocol establishing generic hearings, improving efficiency and effectiveness of adjudicative processes. (Read more)
  • Open Data Initiative: Improves sharing of data by publishing electricity distributors’ non-confidential data on the Open Data page for better transparency and support of those who wish to perform their own analysis of distributor information. (Read more)
  • The OEB recognized as one of Greater Toronto’s Top Employers for 2023, the benchmark for workplace best practices. (Read more)
  • The OEB recognized by the International Association of Business Communicators (IABC) with two Silver Leaf Awards of Merit, for our execution of innovative and effective communications strategies that have helped enable our modernization journey and evolution toward becoming a top-quartile regulator. (Read more)