Changes to OEB Notices of Hearing and Related Processes

The OEB has made changes to the form and content of its Notices of Hearing (Notice), as well as how Notices are served and published.                                          

The changes to the OEB’s Notices were made to enhance consumer understanding, broaden awareness of OEB proceedings, and better align with changing demographics and preferred methods of engagement, while continuing to meet legal requirements.

Please find samples of our new Notices below:

Sample Notices (pdf)

In addition to the traditional methods of providing Notice or increasing awareness of proceedings that the OEB has employed (publication in local and/or major print newspapers, email, notification through X (formerly Twitter), and posting on applicant website), the OEB will also consider whether Notices should be distributed through a number of new methods.

New options for providing Notice may include online news outlets and options for enhancing awareness include additional social media, purchased online advertisements, and out of home advertising, such as posters in a local community centre. Direct mail to customers, as well as shareholder channels, such as municipal websites or newsletters, may also be considered.

These new options of service and publication will help to ensure that consumers and other interested parties are being engaged in ways that are meaningful for them.