Electricity transmission rates

Each year, Electricity Transmitters apply to the OEB requesting changes to their transmission rates. The OEB approves the revenue requirements and charge determinants of the individual transmitters in separate proceedings and uses them to calculate Uniform Transmission Rates (UTRs). Click on the links below to access information related to yearly Electricity Transmission rate applications and the yearly UTRs.




June 27, 2024

The OEB has issued a Decision and Rate Order on 2024 Uniform Transmission Rates Update (EB-2024-0183).

May 23, 2024B2M Limited Partnership has filed its Transmission Revenue Requirement Application for the period 2025-2029 (EB-2024-0116).
May 23, 2024Niagara Reinforcement Limited Partnership (NRLP) has filed its Transmission Revenue Requirement Application for the period 2025-2029 (EB-2024-0117).
January 18, 2024

The OEB has issued a Decision and Rate Order on 2024 Uniform Transmission Rates Update (EB-2023-0222).

November 30, 2023

The OEB has issued a Decision and Order on Wataynikaneyap Power LP's Application for 2024 electricity transmission revenue requirement and related matters (EB-2023-0168).

November 17, 2023

Upper Canada Transmission 2, Inc. has filed its 2024 Electricity Transmission Rates Application (EB-2023-0298).

October 24, 2023

The OEB has issued a Decision and Order on Hydro One Sault Ste. Marie's 2024 Transmission Revenue Requirement Application (EB-2023-0130).

September 28, 2023

The OEB has issued a letter which provides the calculations for 2024 preliminary Uniform Transmission Rates and facilitates their implementation in applicable 2024 electricity distributor rate applications.

September 19, 2023

The OEB has issued a Decision and Order on Hydro One Networks Inc.'s 2024 Transmission Revenue Requirement Application (EB-2023-0127).

September 7, 2023

The OEB has issued a Decision and Order on B2M Limited Partnership's 2024 Transmission Revenue Requirement Application (EB-2023-0129).

September 7, 2023

The OEB has issued a Decision and Order on Niagara Reinforcement LP's 2024 Transmission Revenue Requirement Application (EB-2023-0128).

August 10, 2023

Hydro One Sault Ste. Marie has filed its 2024 Transmission Revenue Requirement Application (EB-2023-0130).

August 10, 2023

Niagara Reinforcement LP has filed its 2024 Transmission Revenue Requirement Application (EB-2023-0128).

July 17, 2023

Hydro One Networks Inc. has filed its 2024 Transmission Revenue Requirement Application (EB-2023-0127).

July 17, 2023

B2M Limited Partnership has filed its 2024 Transmission Revenue Requirement Application (EB-2023-0129).

July 10, 2023

Wataynikaneyap Power LP has filed its 2024 Transmission Rates Application (EB-2023-0168).

June 1, 2023

The OEB has issued a Decision and Rate Order on 2023 Uniform Transmission Rates Update (EB-2023-0101).

December 8, 2022

The OEB has issued a Decision and Rate Order on 2023 Uniform Transmission Rates (EB-2022-0250).

November 29, 2022

The OEB has issued a Decision on Settlement Proposal and Order on Rates, Revenue Requirement and Charge Determinants with respect to Hydro One Networks Inc.'s application for electricity transmission and distribution rates and other charges for the period from January 1, 2023 to December 31, 2027 (EB-2021-0110).

November 29, 2022

The OEB has issued a Decision and Order on Wataynikaneyap Power LP's 2023 Transmission Rates Application (EB-2022-0149).

November 24, 2022

The OEB has issued a Decision and Order on Upper Canada Transmission Inc.'s (NextBridge Infrastructure LP) 2023 Transmission Revenue Requirement Application (EB-2022-0243).

November 24, 2022

The OEB has issued a Decision and Order on Niagara Reinforcement Limited Partnership's 2023 Transmission Revenue Requirement Application (EB-2022-0191).

November 24, 2022

The OEB has issued a Decision and Order on B2M Limited Partnership's 2023 Transmission Revenue Requirement Application (EB-2022-0190).

November 24, 2022

The OEB has issued a Decision and Order on Hydro One Sault Ste. Marie Limited Partnership's 2023 Transmission Revenue Cap Index Annual Filing (EB-2022-0189).

September 12, 2022Upper Canada Transmission Inc. (NextBridge Infrastructure LP) has filed its 2023 Transmission Revenue Requirement Application (EB-2022-0243). 
- Application
August 5, 2022

Niagara Reinforcement Limited Partnership has filed its 2023 Transmission Revenue Requirement Application (EB-2022-0191).

August 5, 2022

B2M Limited Partnership has filed its 2023 Transmission Revenue Requirement Application (EB-2022-0190).

August 5, 2022

Hydro One Sault Ste. Marie Limited Partnership has filed its 2023 Transmission Revenue Cap Index Annual Filing (EB-2022-0189).

July 20, 2022

Wataynikaneyap Power LP has filed its 2023 Transmission Rates Application (EB-2022-0149).

April 7, 2022

The OEB has issued a Decision and Rate Order for the 2022 Uniform Transmission Rates Update (EB-2022-0084).

December 16, 2021

The OEB has issued its Decision and Rate Order for 2022 Uniform Transmission Rates (EB-2021-0276).

December 16, 2021

The OEB has issued its Decision and Order on Niagara Reinforcement Limited Partnership's Application for electricity transmission revenue requirement beginning January 1, 2022. (EB-2021-0188)

December 16, 2021

The OEB has issued its Decision and Order on B2M Limited Partnership's Application for electricity transmission revenue requirement beginning January 1, 2022 (EB-2021-0187).

December 16, 2021

The OEB has issued its Decision and Order on Hydro One Sault Ste. Marie Limited Partnership's Application for electricity transmission revenue requirement beginning January 1, 2022 and related matters (EB-2021-0186).

December 16, 2021

The OEB has issued its Decision and Order on Hydro One Networks Inc.'s Application for electricity transmission revenue requirement beginning January 1, 2022 and related matters (EB-2021-0185).

December 2, 2021

The OEB has issued a Revenue Requirement and Charge Determinant Order on Wataynikaneyap Power LP's Application for 2022 electricity transmission rates and other charges (EB-2021-0134).

September 30, 2021

The OEB has issued a Decision and Order on Wataynikaneyap Power LP's Application for 2022 electricity transmission rates and other charges (EB-2021-0134).

September 9, 2021

Niagara Reinforcement Limited Partnership has filed its 2022 Revenue Requirement Application (EB-2021-0188).

September 9, 2021

B2M Limited Partnership has filed its 2022 Rates Application (EB-2021-0187).

September 9, 2021

Hydro One Sault Ste. Marie Networks Inc. has filed its Transmission Revenue Requirement Application (EB-2021-0186).

September 9, 2021

Hydro One Networks Inc. has filed its 2022 Transmission Revenue Requirement Application (EB-2021-0185).

June 24, 2021

The OEB has issued its Decision and Rate Order for 2021 Uniform Transmission Rates Update (EB-2021-0176).

June 17, 2021

The OEB has issued its Decision and Order on an application from Upper Canada Transmission Inc. for approval of electricity transmission revenue requirements for the period from April 1, 2022 to December 31, 2031 (EB-2020-0150).

May 14, 2021

Wataynikaneyap Power LP has filed its 2022 Transmission Rate Application (EB-2021-0134).

December 17, 2020

The OEB has issued a Decision and Order on Niagara Reinforcement Limited Partnership's application for electricity transmission revenue requirement beginning January 1, 2021 (EB-2020-0225).

December 17, 2020

The OEB has issued its Decision and Rate Order for 2021 Uniform Transmission Rates (EB-2020-0251).

December 17, 2020

The OEB has issued a Decision and Order on Hydro One Sault Ste. Marie Limited Partnership's application for electricity transmission revenue requirement beginning January 1, 2021 and related matters (EB-2020-0227).

December 17, 2020

The OEB has issued a Decision and Order on Hydro One Networks Inc's application for electricity transmission revenue requirement beginning January 1, 2021 and related matters (EB-2020-0202).

November 26, 2020

The OEB has issued a Decision and Order on B2M Limited Partnership's Application for electricity transmission revenue requirement beginning January 1, 2021 (EB-2020-0226).

November 19, 2020

Upper Canada Transmission Inc. has filed its 2022-2031 Transmission Revenue Custom IR Application (EB-2020-0150).

November 9, 2020

2021 Uniform Transmission Rates (UTR) Transmitters Information Request - Letter to all transmitters requesting the 2020 forgone revenue calculations, accrued interest calculations and preferred disposition period as part of the process for establishing 2021 UTRs.

November 9, 2020

The OEB has issued a letter which sets out the Inflation Parameter Updates for Incentive Rate-Making Applications with Rates effective in 2021. The OEB notes that it is not mandatory that the calculated inflation factor be adopted for rate adjustments. In light of the current COVID-19 pandemic, the OEB is providing utilities to adopt an inflation factor less than that calculated by the OEB’s methodology for each sector. Utilities applying for 2021 rate adjustments must inform the OEB of their choice in accordance with the directions in the letter.

September 30, 2020

Hydro One Sault Ste. Marie Limited Partnership has filed its 2021 Transmission Revenue Cap Index Application (EB-2020-0227).

September 4, 2020

Hydro One Networks Inc. has filed its 2021 Transmission Revenue Requirement Application (EB-2020-0202).

July 30, 2020

The OEB has issued its Decision and Order for 2020 Uniform Transmission Rates (EB-2020-0180).

April 23, 2020

The OEB has issued its Decision and Order on Hydro One Networks Inc's application for electricity transmission revenue requirements beginning January 1, 2020 until December 31, 2022 (EB-2019-0082).

April 9, 2020

The OEB has issued a Decision and Order on Niagara Reinforcement Limited Partnership's application for 2020-2024 Transmission Rates (EB-2018-0275).

January 16, 2020

The OEB has issued a Decision and Order on B2M Limited Partnership's application for approval of electricity transmission revenue requirements for the period commencing January 1, 2020 and for each following year through to December 31, 2024 (EB-2019-0178).

December 19, 2019

The OEB has issued its Decision and Order for Niagara Reinforcement Limited Partnership's 2020 2020 Interim Revenue Requirement (EB-2018-0275).

December 17, 2019

The OEB has issued its Decision and Order on an Hydro One Sault Ste. Marie Limited Partnership's application for electricity transmission revenue requirement beginning January 1, 2020 and related matters (EB-2019-0266).

December 17, 2019

The OEB has issued its Decision and Interim Rate Order for 2020 Uniform Transmission Rates (EB-2019-0296).

December 10, 2019

The OEB has issued its Decision and Order on Interim Rates and Confidentiality for Hydro One Networks Inc's application for electricity transmission rates for the period from January 1, 2020 to December 31, 2022 (EB-2019-0082).

November 8, 2019

Hydro One Sault Ste. Marie Limited Partnership has filed its application for 2020 transmission rates (EB-2019-0266).

July 31, 2019

B2M Limited Partnership has filed its application for electricity transmission rates for the period from January 1, 2020 to December 31, 2024 (EB-2019-0178).

July 25, 2019

The OEB has approved UTRs for 2019 (EB-2019-0164)

This Decision incorporates the OEB’s findings in the most recent approved revenue requirement and charge determinants for each Ontario transmitter:

March 21, 2019

Hydro One has filed its application for electricity transmission rates for the period from January 1, 2020 to December 31, 2022 (EB-2019-0082).

December 20, 2018

The OEB has issued its Decision and Rate Order for 2019 Uniform Transmission Rates (EB-2018-0326)

February 1, 2018

The OEB has approved UTRs for 2018 (EB-2017-0359)


This Decision incorporates the OEB’s findings in the most recent approved revenue requirement and charge determinants for each Ontario transmitter:

November 23, 2017

The OEB has approved UTRs for 2017 (EB-2017-0280)


This Decision incorporates the OEB’s findings in the most recent approved revenue requirement and charge determinants for each Ontario transmitter:

January 14, 2016

The OEB has approved UTRs for 2016 (EB-2015-0311)


This Decision incorporates the OEB’s findings in the most recent approved revenue requirement and charge determinants for each Ontario transmitter:

January 8, 2015

The OEB has approved UTRs for 2015 (EB-2014-0357)


This Decision incorporates the OEB’s findings in the most recent approved revenue requirement and charge determinants for each Ontario transmitter:

January 9, 2014

The OEB has approved UTRs for 2014 (EB-2012-0031)


This Decision incorporates the OEB’s findings in the most recent approved revenue requirement and charge determinants for each Ontario transmitter:

December 20, 2012

The OEB has approved UTRs for 2013 (EB-2012-0031)


This Decision incorporates the OEB’s findings in the most recent approved revenue requirement and charge determinants for each Ontario transmitter:

December 20, 2011

The OEB has approved UTRs for 2012 (EB-2011-0268)


This Decision incorporates the OEB’s findings in the most recent approved revenue requirement and charge determinants for each Ontario transmitter:

January 18, 2011

The OEB has approved UTRs for 2011 (EB-2010-0002)


This Decision incorporates the OEB’s findings in the most recent approved revenue requirement and charge determinants for each Ontario transmitter:

January 21, 2010

The OEB has approved UTRs for 2010 (EB-2008-0272)


This Decision incorporates the OEB’s findings in the most recent approved revenue requirement and charge determinants for each Ontario transmitter: