OPG Payment Amounts for Prescribed Generation Facilities

Under section 78.1 of the Ontario Energy Board Act, 1998, the OEB is authorized to determine the payment amounts to be made to Ontario Power Generation Inc. (OPG) with respect to the output of certain of OPG’s generation facilities. These prescribed generation facilities are the nuclear generating stations operated by OPG (Pickering and Darlington), OPG’s baseload hydroelectric generation facilities (De Cew I, De Cew II, Sir Adam Beck I, Sir Adam Beck II, Sir Adam Beck pump storage generating station and R.H. Saunders), and 48 other hydroelectric generation facilities in the province.

Ontario Regulation 53/05, Payments Under Section 78.1 of the Act, (O.Reg. 53/05), sets out certain rules to be followed by the OEB in determining payment amounts for the prescribed generation facilities.

Filing Requirements:




DateDocuments (EB-2024-0136)
Sept 17-24

The OEB has issued updated Filing Requirements for Ontario Power Generation Inc.’s payment amounts applications. They include revisions to the 2011 guidelines informed by stakeholder comments and discussion. The Filing Requirements aim to address the evolving regulatory landscape, incorporate lessons learned from past proceedings and remain evergreen.

DateDocuments (EB-2023-0336)
Dec 13-23

OPG has filed an application for an order or orders relating to impacts from the Independent Electricity System Operator’s (IESO) Market Renewal Program on prescribed generating facilities, and the disposition of balances in its deferral and variance accounts (DVA) as of December 31, 2022

Request by Environmental Defence for a Proceeding on OPG's Sale of Clean Energy Credits

On August 25, 2022, the OEB responded to a request by Environmental Defence to hold a proceeding on the sale of Clean Energy Credits by OPG. That response, along with related correspondence, is below.

EB-2020-0290 (2022-2026 Payment Amounts)
DateDocuments (EB-2020-0290)
Jan 27-22

The OEB has issued a Payment Amounts Order.

Nov 15-21

The OEB has issued its Decision and Order on OPG's Application for Payment Amounts for the Period from January 1, 2022 to December 31, 2026.

Jan 8-21

OPG has filed an application requesting that the OEB establish payment amounts for the years 2022 to 2026.

DateDocuments (EB-2020-0297)
Dec 9-20

The OEB has issued an invitation letter to a pre-application stakeholder conference with respect to OPG’s upcoming 2022-2026 Payment Amount proceeding.

DateDocuments (EB-2020-0248)
Nov 9-20

The OEB has issued a Notice of Proceeding and Accounting Order establishing the "2021 Overearnings Variance Account."

DateDocuments (EB-2020-0210)
Dec 3-20

The OEB has issued its Decision and Payment Amounts Order regarding Ontario Power Generation Inc.’s application for 2021 Hydroelectric Payment Amount Adjustment to be effective January 1, 2021.

Sep 1-20

OPG has filed an application for an adjustment to its 2021 payment amount for its regulated hydroelectric facilities.

DateDocuments (EB-2019-0209)
Sep 4-19

OPG has filed an application for an adjustment to its 2020 payment amount for its regulated hydroelectric facilities.

DateDocuments (EB-2018-0243)
Feb 21-19

The OEB has issued its Decision and Payment Amounts Order regarding Ontario Power Generation Inc.’s application to dispose of balances in certain deferral and variance accounts.

Dec 13-18

The OEB has issued its Decision and Payment Amounts Order for an adjustment to Ontario Power Generation Inc.’s 2019 payment amount for its regulated hydroelectric facilities.

Aug 9-18

OPG has filed an application to dispose of balances in certain deferral and variance accounts and for an adjustment to its 2019 payment amount for its regulated hydroelectric facilities.

DateDocuments (EB-2018-0002)
May 31-18

The OEB has issued its Decision and Order regarding OPG’s application to establish a new deferral account to record certain impacts from January 1, 2018.

Dec 29-17

OPG has filed an application to establish a deferral account to record the revenue requirement impact of changes to nuclear liabilities and depreciation and amortization expense resulting from changes to station end-of-life dates for OPG’s Pickering prescribed nuclear facilities that were effective December 31, 2017.

EB-2016-0152 (2017-2021 Hydroelectric IRM, Nuclear Custom IR)
DateDocuments (EB-2016-0152)
Aug 30-18

The OEB has released its decision regarding Ontario Power Generation’s motion filed January 17, 2018, for a review and variance of the OEB’s decision in file number EB-2016-0152.

Mar 29-18

The OEB has issued a Payment Amounts Order (EB-2016-0152).

Dec 28-17

The OEB has issued its Decision and Order regarding Ontario Power Generation’s application for payment amounts for the period from January 1, 2017 to December 31, 2021.

DateDocuments (EB-2015-0374)
Mar 10-16

The OEB has released its Decision and Order regarding Ontario Power Generation’s application seeking approval to establish a deferral account.

Dec 22-15

OPG has filed an accounting order application seeking approval to establish a deferral account.

DateDocuments (EB-2014-0370)
Oct 8-15

The OEB has issued a Payment Amounts Order (EB-2014-0370).

Sep 10-15

The OEB has issued its decision regarding the application to dispose of balances in certain deferral and variance accounts.

EB-2013-0321 (2014-2015 Cost of Service)
DateDocuments (EB-2013-0321)
Jan 28-16

The OEB has released its decision regarding Ontario Power Generation’s motion filed December 10, 2014, for a review and variance of the OEB’s decision in file number EB-2013-0321.

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Dec 18-14

The Board has issued a Payment Amounts Order (EB-2013-0321).

Nov 20-14

The Board has issued its Decision regarding Ontario Power Generation’s payment amounts for its regulated hydroelectric and nuclear generating facilities.

DateDocuments (EB-2012-0002)
Apr 18-13

The Board has issued a Payment Amounts Order (EB-2012-0002).

Mar 25-13

The Board made an oral decision on the settlement proposal regarding Ontario Power Generation’s application for an order or orders relating to deferral and variance accounts and the adoption of USGAAP for regulatory accounting purposes.

DateDocuments (EB-2012-0340)
Feb 17-15

The Board has issued a letter regarding Incentive Rate-setting for Ontario Power Generation’s Prescribed Generation Assets.

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Mar 28-13

The Board has issued its Report of the Board: Incentive Rate-making for Ontario Power Generation’s Prescribed Generation Assets (EB-2012-0340).

Nov 5-12

The Board invited a second round of submissions to give consultation participants and interested parties an opportunity to react to issues presented in the first round of submissions.

Oct 11-12

On August 28, 2012, the Board held a stakeholder consultation on incentive ratemaking options for OPG’s prescribed generation assets. The Board has received submissions from the following parties:

Aug 29-12

The Board posted the voice recordings of the August 28th consultation on Incentive Rate Making Options for OPG’s Prescribed Generation Assets (EB-2012-0340).

Aug 29-12

The Board has posted presentations by participants.

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Jul 31-12

On August 28, 2012, Board staff will conduct a stakeholder consultation on issues associated with incentive ratemaking options for setting payments for Ontario Power Generation’s prescribed generation assets. The consultation discussions will be based on a report prepared for Board staff by Power Advisory LLC, “Incentive Ratemaking Options for Ontario Power Generation’s Prescribed Generation Assets”.

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May 11-12

The Board has posted a staff commissioned report prepared by Power Advisory LLC entitled: “Incentive Ratemaking Options for Ontario Power Generation’s Prescribed Generation Assets”. The Board intends to consult with stakeholders in due course on the issues related to an incentive rate making regime for OPG, including the options discussed in the Report.

DateDocuments (EB-2011-0432)
Image removed.

Mar 2-12

The Board has released its Decision and Order regarding Ontario Power Generation’s accounting order application seeking approval to establish a deferral account.

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Dec 29-11

OPG has filed an accounting order application seeking approval to establish a deferral account.

DateDocuments (EB-2011-0286)
Image removed.

Nov 11-11

The Board has released its revised Filing Guidelines for Ontario Power Generation in Setting Payment Amounts for Prescribed Generation Facilities.

EB-2010-0008 (2011-2012 Cost of Service)
DateDocuments (EB-2010-0008)
Jun 23-11

The Board has released its decision regarding Ontario Power Generation’s motion filed March 30, 2011, for a review and variance of the Board’s decision in file number EB-2010-0008.

Image removed.

Apr 11-11

The Board has issued a Payment Amounts Order, as part of the payment amounts proceeding (EB-2010-0008).

Mar 10-11

The Ontario Energy Board has issued its decision regarding Ontario Power Generation’s payment amounts for its regulated hydroelectric and nuclear generating facilities.

DateDocuments (EB-2009-0331)
Nov 27-09

The Board has released its revised Filing Guidelines for Ontario Power Generation in Setting Payment Amounts for Prescribed Generation Facilities.

Nov 10-09

The Board has posted reply submissions received from parties related to submissions on the Revised Filing Guidelines and Staff Scoping Paper.

Nov 3-09

The Board has posted comments received from parties related to the Revised Filing Guidelines and Staff Scoping Paper.

Sep 24-09

The Board has issued a letter to stakeholders regarding a meeting and written consultation (EB-2009-0331) on OPG's next payment amounts application.

DateDocuments (EB-2009-0174)
Oct 6-09

The Board has released its decision regarding Ontario Power Generation’s application for an accounting order.

EB-2007-0905 (2008-2009 Cost of Service)
DateDocuments (EB-2007-0905)
May 11-09

The Board has released its decision regarding Ontario Power Generation’s motion, filed January 28, 2009, for a review and variance of the Board’s decision in file number EB-2007-0905.

Dec 19-08

The Board has released its decision regarding Ontario Power Generation’s motion, filed November 24, 2008, for a review and variance of the Board’s decision in file number EB-2007-0905.

Dec 2-08

The Board has issued a payment amounts order.

Nov 3-08

The Ontario Energy Board has released its decison regarding Ontario Power Generation’s payment levels for the output of its regulated nuclear and hydroelectric generating assets.

DateDocuments (EB-2006-0064)
Image removed.

Jul 27-07

The Board has released its Filing Guidelines for Ontario Power Generation in Setting Payment Amounts for Prescribed Generation Assets.

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May 9-07

Board staff posted comments received from intervenors in regard to the "Staff Discussion Paper on the Filing Requirements for Ontario Power Generation, Setting Payment Amounts for Prescribed Generation Assets".

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Mar 30-07

The Board has a Board staff discussion paper entitled, "Filing Requirements for Ontario Power Generation, Setting Payment Amounts for Prescribed Generation Assets".

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Nov 30-06

The Board has issued the report "A Regulatory Methodology for Setting Payment Amounts for the Prescribed Generation Assets of Ontario Power Generation Inc. (EB-2006-0064)".

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Oct 24-06

The Board Secretary posted a letter addressing issues regarding the OPA's October 2, 2006 submission on the Oral Presentations, intervenor funding and the release date of the Board's decision.

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Oct 6-06

Comments from interested parties on the submissions and presentations at the September 15th Oral Presentations Session on Setting Payments for Output from OPG's Prescribed Assets.

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Sep 8-06

Presentation materials from stakeholders and interested parties that are participating in the September 15th Oral Presentations.

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Aug 29-06

On August 22, 2006, Energy Probe filed a letter with the Board posing a number of questions regarding the process that will be followed during the oral presentation phase scheduled for September 15, 2006. This letter provides clarification generally in relation to the process and, in so doing, provides clarification in relation to Energy Probe’s specific questions.

Aug 17-06

As stated in the letter posted on August 10, a set of questions has been prepared to guide participants in preparing their presentations for the meeting to be held September 15, 2006.

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Aug 15-06

Reply submissions received from interested parties with respect to the Staff Discussion paper, "Regulatory Options for Setting Payments for the Output from OPG's Prescribed Generation Assets".

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Aug 10-06

The OEB will hold a one day session allowing interested parties to make oral presentations to the Board on issues associated with the Board's selection of a methodology for setting payment amounts for the output from OPG's prescribed generation assets.

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Jul 28-06

Comments received from stakeholders and interested parties on the final version of the Staff Discussion paper, "Regulatory Options for Setting Payments for the Output from OPG's Prescribed Generation Assets".

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Jul 6-06

Board staff issued the final version of the Staff Discussion paper - "Regulatory Options for Setting Payments for the Output from OPG's Prescribed Generation Assets".

Jul 6-06

Comments on Draft 2 of the Staff Discussion Paper.

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Jun 21-06

Board staff issued two reports: Draft 2 of the Staff Discussion Paper - "Regulatory Options for Setting Payments for the Output from OPG's Prescribed Assets" and a report prepared by London Economics International, LLC - "Alternatives for Regulating Prices Associated With Output From Designated Generation Assets".

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Jun 16-06

Board staff presentation to interested parties on June 16, 2006:

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Jun 8-06

Comments from interested parties on draft one of the Board staff Discussion Paper - "Regulatory Options for Setting Payments for the Output from OPG's Prescribed Generation Assets":

May 19-06

The Board has posted copies of three presentations by Ontario Power Generation Inc. to the meeting of interested parties on May 19, 2006.

May 8-06

The first draft of Board staff's Discussion Paper on the regulatory options for setting payments for Ontario Power Generation Inc.'s prescribed generation assets has been issued for comment.

Mar 21-06

The Board issued a "kick-off" letter outlining the process that it intends to follow in determining payment amounts for OPG's prescribed generation assets.