Executive leadership

The Chief Executive Officer (CEO) is responsible for the efficient and effective management of the operations of the OEB. The CEO is supported by the Chief Commissioner, the Chief Corporate Services Officer & General Counsel and the Chief Operating Officer. Together they form the Executive Leadership Committee.

The Chief Commissioner is responsible for ensuring the efficiency and timeliness of the OEB’s adjudication work, assigning Commissioners to preside over hearings and making Rules of Practice and Procedure that govern the hearing process. The Chief Corporate Services Officer & General Counsel provides executive leadership to the teams in Strategic Policy, Information Technology, Finance & Administration, Human Resources, Legal Services, Public Affairs and Critical Initiatives. The Chief Operating Officer provides executive leadership to the teams in Applications, Consumer Protection & Industry Performance, Office of the Registrar and Operations Decision Support. 

The Executive Leadership Committee is supported by a team of Vice-Presidents, Directors, managers and staff.

Executive Leadership Committee

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