Generic Proceeding on Minister's Directive
In June 2000, the Minister of Energy, Science and Technology issued a policy directive to the OEB on the setting of rates for the distribution of electricity. The Minister directed the OEB to give the highest priority to protecting “the interests of consumers with respect to prices and the reliability and quality of electric service”.
Subsequently, the OEB held a generic hearing to give market participants and intervenors an opportunity to comment on the directive, and present their views on its impact on the OEB’s Distribution Rate Handbook. On September 29, 2000, the OEB issued its decision with reasons. The decision requires utilities to phase in any rate increases evenly over three years.
Read the OEB's September 29, 2000 decision issued following the generic hearing on the Minister's June 7, 2000 directive to the Ontario Energy Board:
- Decision with Reasons (RP-2000-0069)
- Executive Summary
- Appendix 1 - Ministers Directive
- Appendix 2 - Parties to the Proceeding