Open Data

Data Inventory

Ontario's Digital and Data Directive ensures the delivery of high-quality digital services and access to public government data, unless it is exempt for legal, privacy, security, confidentiality or commercially-sensitive reasons. The directive sets out key principles and requirements for the design of digital services and the sharing of open government data assets.

For more information:

For guidance on how to import and use the published XML data files:


Provides data related to a distributor's affiliate arrangements and transactions, specifically the total annual dollar amount and number of transactions involving sales to and purchases from each affiliate, and the monthly weighted average total dollar amount of outstanding loans to and from each affiliate during the year. Note that the start year for this data file is 2015.

Update Frequency: Annually

Provides data on how a distributor's performance measured against the Ontario Energy Board's established minimum standards for service quality indicators. Note that the start year for this data file is 2015.

Update Frequency: Annually

A Personal Information Bank (PIB) is a structured collection of personal information that can be retrieved using an individual’s name, number, or other identifying elements.

In line with Open Data initiatives, the Ontario Energy Board (OEB) conducts annual reviews of vendor contracts to assess whether vendors utilize a PIB in their operations. The results of these reviews are available through the link provided below.

Update Frequency: Annually

The travel, meal and hospitality expense claims of OEB employees and appointees.

Update Frequency: As Needed
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