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The OEB has issued a bulletin providing guidance to electricity distributors on three related issues concerning the Industrial Conservation Initiative (ICI) for the purpose of billing Global Adjustment (GA) charges.

The OEB is launching an initiative to develop Activity and Program Based Benchmarking (APB) to encourage continuous improvement by regulated utilities.

The OEB has posted updated supply mix data with information from 2017. As per Ontario Regulation 416/99 made under the OEB Act, and the Board’s Directive, this information is required to be disclosed to Ontario consumers.

The OEB has published the 2017 Scorecards of Electricity Distributors. The scorecard measures how well Ontario’s electricity distributors are performing each year.

The OEB has initiated a review of the Low-Income Energy Assistance Program Emergency Financial Assistance (LEAP EFA).

The OEB has approved changes to the prices Enbridge, EPCOR and Union will charge its customers for natural gas effective October 1, 2018.

The OEB has posted Price Comparison templates for Natural Gas Contracts for Enbridge, EPCOR and Union valid from October 1 - December 31, 2018.

The OEB has issued a letter proposing a Cyber Security Readiness Report & Amendments to the Electricity Reporting and Record Keeping Requirements (RRR) for licensed transmitters and distributors.

The OEB has issued a Decision and Order on a Notice of Intention to Planet Energy (Ontario) Corp. to make an order for compliance, restitution and payment of an administrative penalty.

The OEB has posted the 2018 Quarter 4 prescribed accounting interest rates applicable to the carrying charges of deferral, variance and construction work in progress (CWIP) accounts of natural gas utilities, electricity distributors and other rate-regulated entities.

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