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The OEB is launching a consultation to advance its performance-based approach to rate regulation. The objective of this initiative is to develop ways to strengthen the link between what electricity distributors earn and the achievement of outcomes consumers value, such as cost-effectiveness, reliability and customer service.

The OEB’s Board of Directors is pleased to announce the appointment of Dr. Vinay Sharma to the role of part-time Commissioner and extension of Dr. Robert Dodds in his current role as full-time Commissioner. Dr. Sharma joins an existing compliment of highly qualified and dedicated Commissioners who collectively are responsible for ensuring the quality, efficiency and timeliness of our adjudicative work.

The OEB has issued a letter describing an initiative to implement a requirement for utilities to periodically submit an independent cyber-security assessment based on the Ontario Cyber Security Framework (OCSF). The proposal would require utilities to have a qualified third-party assess their maturity against the OCSF and then report this to the OEB. OEB staff looks forward to the opportunity to present this initiative and engage with industry participants at an upcoming CSAC meeting. All licensed electricity transmitters and distributors are encouraged to participate.

The OEB has updated its Customer, Consumption and Revenue Dashboard to include a new Customer Count page, filter to review top electricity distributors, and monthly consumption and distribution revenue data.

The OEB has amended the Distribution System Code and Transmission System Code. The amendments, which come into force October 1, 2024, require utilities to comply with the new Ontario Cyber Security Standard document that focuses on privacy, corporate governance, and situational awareness related to cyber security.

The OEB’s Innovation Sandbox has been showcased through the Information and Privacy Commissioner (IPC) of Ontario’s Transparency Challenge for driving energy sector innovation and enhancing public access to details about leading-edge ideas explored in the sector.

The OEB has posted Price Comparison templates for Natural Gas Contracts for Enbridge Gas Inc. and EPCOR Natural Gas Limited Partnership valid from October 1 - December 31, 2024.

The OEB has issued new Filing Requirements applicable to applications for exemption from leave to construct contemplated in sections 90(2) and 95(2) of the Ontario Energy Board Act, 1998.

The OEB has approved changes to the prices Enbridge Gas Inc. and EPCOR Natural Gas Limited Partnership will charge its customers for natural gas effective October 1, 2024.

The OEB has issued updated Filing Requirements for Ontario Power Generation Inc.’s payment amounts applications. They include revisions to the 2011 guidelines informed by stakeholder comments and discussion. The Filing Requirements aim to address the evolving regulatory landscape, incorporate lessons learned from past proceedings and remain evergreen.

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