Rapports sur la consommation

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Date Date Numéro de dossier Documents
1702468800 EB-2023-0311 Report to the Minister of Energy - Defining Ontario’s Typical Electricity Residential Customer 2023 Update
1700568000 EB-2023-0135 Report of the Ontario Energy Board - Review of LEAP EFA Program
1689595200 -- Report of the Ontario Energy Board to Ontario’s Electrification and Energy Transition Panel
1688040000 EB-2023-0003 Report to the Minister of Energy - Improving Distribution Sector Resilience, Responsiveness and Cost Efficiency
1675080000 EB-2021-0118 Framework for Energy Innovation: Setting a Path Forward for DER Integration
1663848000 EB-2022-0011 Report: Action Plan in Response to Stakeholder Comments on the Framework for Review of Intervenor Processes and Cost Awards
1648728000 EB-2022-0074 Report to the Minister of Energy: Design of an Optional Enhanced Time-of-Use Price
1643630400 EB-2021-0180 Report - OEB Innovation Sandbox 2.0
1638964800 EB-2022-0011 Jurisdictional Review of Intervenor Processes and Cost Awards
1638792000 EB-2020-0152 Frequency of Regulated Price Plan Switching Under Customer Choice
1638446400 EB-2015-0245 Report – 2020 DSM Annual Verification
1636545600 EB-2016-0201 Regulated Price Plan (RPP) Pilot Meta-Analysis Final Report
1636545600 EB-2022-0074 Regulated Price Plan (RPP) Pilot Meta-Analysis Final Report
1627992000 EB-2021-0004 Final OEB Staff Report to the OEB: Review of 2021 Annual Update to Enbridge Gas Inc. Natural Gas Supply Plan
1623931200 EB-2020-0133 Report of the OEB: Regulatory Treatment of Impacts Arising from the COVID-19 Emergency
1615896000 EB-2008-0150 LEAP Emergency Financial Assistance - Report on 2019 Program Results
1607601600 EB-2019-0255 Report to the Minister: Potential Projects to Expand Access to Natural Gas Distribution
1606996800 EB-2015-0245 Report – 2019 DSM Annual Verification
1585224000 EB-2019-0137 Final OEB Staff Report to the OEB - Consultation to Review Natural Gas Supply Plans
1584100800 EB-2015-0245 Report – 2018 DSM Annual Verification
1584100800 EB-2015-0245 Report – 2017 DSM Annual Verification
1578916800 EB-2008-0150 LEAP Emergency Financial Assistance - Report on 2018 Program Results
1571313600 EB-2015-0117 2019 Achievable Potential Study Final Report (updated December 18, 2019)
1551355200 EB-2016-0201 Staff Research Paper: Examination of Alternative Price Designs for the Recovery of Global Adjustment Costs from ClassB Consumers
1550750400 EB-2015-0043 Staff Report to the Board - Rate Design for Commercial and Industrial Electricity Customers
1547726400 EB-2008-0150 2017 LEAP Emergency Financial Assistance Program Report
1545307200 EB-2014-0255 Report of the Ontario Energy Board - Best Practices regarding Governance of OEB Rate-Regulated Utilities
1543492800 EB-2017-0127, EB-2017-0128 Report of the Ontario Energy Board - Mid-Term Review of the DSM Framework for Natural Gas Distributors (2015-2020)
1543492800 EB-2015-0304 Report of the Ontario Energy Board - Energy Retailer Service Charges
1540900800 EB-2015-0245 Report - 2016 DSM Annual Verification
1540468800 EB-2017-0129 Report of the Ontario Energy Board - Framework for the Assessment of Distributor Gas Supply Plans
1536235200 EB-2017-0183 Report of the Ontario Energy Board - Review of Customer Service Rules for Utilities Phase One
1523534400 EB-2017-0129 Draft Report of the Ontario Energy Board - Framework for the Assessment of Distributor Gas Supply Plans
1522238400 EB-2014-0255 Draft Report of the Board - Corporate Governance Guidance for OEB Rate-Regulated Utilities
1521720000 EB-2015-0304 Report of the Ontario Energy Board - Wireline Pole Attachment Charges
1515672000 EB-2008-0150 2016 LEAP Emergency Financial Assistance & Winter Warmth Results
1514376000 EB-2015-0245 Report - 2015 DSM Annual Verification
1510228800 -- Kent Group Report - Understanding Retail Transportation Fuel Pricing in Ontario
1508155200 EB-2015-0245 Report - 2015 DSM Custom Savings Verification and Free-Ridership Evaluation
1505390400 EB-2015-0040 Report of the OEB - Regulatory Treatment of Pension and Other Post-employment Benefits (OPEBs) Costs (final report)
1500552000 EB-2015-0363 ICF Report - Marginal Abatement Cost Curve
1496318400 EB-2016-0032 Staff Report to the Board on a Proposed Cyber Security Framework and Supporting Tools
1496232000 EB-2015-0363 ICF Report - Long-Term Carbon Price Forecast
1495108800 EB-2015-0040 Report of the OEB - Regulatory Treatment of Pension and Other Post-employment Benefits (OPEBs) Costs
1489060800 EB-2008-0150 2015 LEAP Emergency Financial Assistance & Winter Warmth Results
1486641600 EB-2014-0255 Elenchus Report to the OEB - Corporate Governance for Regulated Natural Gas and Electricity Utilities
1483012800 EB-2016-0274 Report to the Minister - Options for an Appropriate Rate Assistance Program for On-Reserve First Nations Electricity Consumers
1474891200 EB-2015-0363 Report of the Board - Regulatory Framework for the Assessment of Costs of Natural Gas Utilities’ Cap and Trade Activities
1471003200 EB-2015-0238 Staff Report to the Board - Distributor Gas Supply Planning
1468238400 EB-2015-0117 ICF Report: Natural Gas Conservation Potential Study
1463659200 EB-2015-0040 KPMG Report - Pension and Other Post-Employment Benefit Costs
1463659200 EB-2016-0182 Report of the OEB - Updated Policy for the Lost Revenue Adjustment Mechanism Calculation: Lost Revenues and Peak Demand Savings
1462363200 EB-2008-0150 2014 LEAP Emergency Financial Assistance & Winter Warmth Results
1460635200 EB-2016-0153 Report of the Board - Defining Ontario's Typical Electricity Customer
1459944000 EB-2015-0237 Staff Report to the Board on the 2015 Natural Gas Market Review
1453464000 EB-2014-0219 Report of the OEB: New Policy Options for the Funding of Capital Investments - Supplemental Report
1452772800 EB-2009-0084 Staff Report: Review of the Existing Methodology of the Cost of Capital for Ontario’s Regulated Utilities
1449489600 EB-2015-0182 Report of the Board: Electricity Distribution System Reliability: Major Events, Reporting on Major Events and Customer Specific
1447675200 EB-2016-0201 Report - RPP Roadmap
1440504000 EB-2014-0189 Report of the Board: Electricity Distribution System Reliability Measures and Expectations
1439467200 -- Giving Ontarians a Voice on Energy East: The Report of the Ontario Energy Board’s Consultation and Review
1434110400 EB-2012-0383 Navigant Report - Cost Allocation to Different Types of Street Lighting Configurations
1433160000 EB-2014-0158 Report to the Minister of Energy - Consumers Come First: A Report of the Ontario Energy Board on the Effectiveness of the Energy
1427976000 EB-2012-0410 Board Policy: A New Distribution Rate Design for Residential Electricity Customers
1427803200 EB-2014-0289 Staff Report to the Board: 2014 Natural Gas Market Review
1427371200 EB-2014-0138 Report of the Board: Rate-Making Associated with Distributor Consolidation
1427371200 EB-2014-0227 Report of the Board: Developing an Ontario Electricity Support Program (OESP)
1424174400 EB-2008-0150 2013 LEAP Emergency Financial Assistance & Winter Warmth Results
1419249600 EB-2014-0134 Report of the Board: Demand Side Management (DSM) Framework for Natural Gas Distributors (2015-2020)
1411041600 EB-2014-0198 Draft Report of the Board: Electricity and Natural Gas Distributors’ Residential Customer Billing Practices and Performance
1411041600 EB-2014-0219 Report of the Board: New Policy Options for the Funding of Capital Investments: The Advanced Capital Module
1396526400 EB-2012-0410 Draft Report of the Board on Rate Design for Electricity Distributors
1394020800 EB-2010-0379 Report of the Board on Performance Measurement for Electricity Distributors: A Scorecard Approach
1387454400 EB-2012-0383 Report of the Board: Review of the Board’s Cost Allocation Policy for Unmetered Loads
1385035200 EB-2010-0379 Report of the Board: Rate Setting Parameters and Benchmarking
1378728000 EB-2008-0150 2012 LEAP Emergency Financial Assistance & Winter Warmth Results
1360584000 EB-2011-0004 Supplemental Report on Smart Grid
1350561600 EB-2010-0377, EB-2010-0378, EB-2010-0379 Report - A Renewed Regulatory Framework for Electricity Distributors: A Performance Based Approach
1346328000 EB-2008-0150 2011 LEAP Emergency Financial Assistance & Winter Warmth Results
1276171200 EB-2009-0349 Report - Framework for Determining the Direct Benefits Accruing to Customers of a Distributor under Ontario Regulation 330/09
1261137600 -- KEMA Inc. Report - Leveraging Network Utility Asset Management Practices for Regulatory Purposes
1260532800 EB-2009-0084 Report of the Board on the Cost of Capital for Ontario’s Regulated Utilities
1236686400 EB-2008-0150 Report of the Board - Low-Income Energy Assistance Program (LEAP)
1164888000 EB-2006-0064 Report - A Regulatory Methodology for Setting Payment Amounts for the Prescribed Generation Assets of Ontario Power Generation
549547200 EBO 134 Ontario Energy Board Report on Economic Test of the Expansion of the Natural Gas Transmission System in Ontario, EBO 134